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Old 07-24-2008, 03:07 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by finallyprettyokay View Post
You know, I absolutely remember this "teaching" clearly. I remember reading it, and talking about it.

Jane: WL said that all the major heresies in church history were introduced by women. You might not hear that the same way a woman would. I was told that sisters cannot get revelation from the Bible. Why? ... because they can be easily deceived, like Eve was.

I can not remember where I read it, but I clearly remember it. Jane, do you know where it was?

And then, of course, I heard so many times "this is so simple, even the sisters will understand". If only I had a dollar for each time ---

Simple-minded and all heresies and deception came from woman. Nice.


I knew of two things and they didn't quite sit well but I didn't have a huge issue with them.

One, I heard the repetitions of the express words of Paul, which present issues of their own. A brother I know and I have discussed this recently and he's of the opinion that some of this kind of talk may actually be later superimposition on the text by clerics. I haven't investigated that but it does seem plausible. In any event, to make too much of what Paul presumably taught doesn't even make sense in the context of the rest of the New Testament. If there is anything to it beyond Paul's own culture, it surely isn't much.

The other thing I heard that I have been guilty of repeating is that the sisters are in the lead when there is a degraded situation. And I think I made reference to it elsewhere at some point that the thing I noticed was that however much of a position the brothers in the Local Churches held and exercised, I always touched something of more practical enjoyment and expression of Christ in the prayers and singing of the sisters in the meetings. In other words, to my perception, the so-called spiritual brothers were kind of playing at being little kings while the truly spiritual sisters exercised yet more patience and let them play.

Of course, this is just my perception. The burdens and sufferings of the sisters clearly aren't worthy to be compared with the responsibility of wielding the power of a deputy authority.


There is something upside down about that, isn't there?

(P.S. full disclosure - knowing what makes a good husband doesn't necessarily make you a good husband, unfortunately)
Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17
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