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Old 09-14-2022, 01:20 PM   #6
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 41
Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by hope this helps View Post
Thank you! I hope it will be helpful both for those inside as well as out.

I set it up so the next video in the series would auto-pop-up at the end of the prior video, but I've had a few people indicate it's not working for them and that they cannot see the other videos after the intro. Here is the link to the entire playlist:

Dear Unchained, it's evident you've put a lot of work into these videos. Thank you so much! I've [I don't know if enjoyed is exactly the right word, maybe benefited from or resonated with or appreciated is the right expression] hearing your clearly-articulated testing of various WL teachings. It was the Two Trees that shocked me into questioning things in WL's writings almost two years ago. I started my own test of what WL said the Bible says in The Genuine Ground of Oneness versus what is actually in the Bible. That basically caused me to lose faith in "The Ministry", to realize that I was trapped by a wrong concept of "locality" as the ground of oneness and feel the freedom to leave. I hope your videos can help others experience the same thing.

On that note, you could have field day with The Genuine Ground of Oneness. What does WL say happened at Babel versus what's in Genesis? What does WL say happened when Israel and Judah split versus what's in the Bible? etc. I have study notes on the first few chapters. DM me if you would like a copy.
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