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Old 09-05-2022, 12:53 PM   #37
I tell the truth
Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 21
Default Re: I Tell The Truth!

So I'm back from the weekend. Not much changed since the two year hiatus. Here's my observations from the conference.

Those that have been in the church for 40 to 50 years along with older saints have come down with health problems. The middle age working saints have high and middle school along with younger grades going to classes outside of the main messages. One thing that was encouraging was that some males and females were together which is usually discouraged and sometimes prohibited because they think it's fleshly, lustful and improper.

The younger and married in the last few years saints had young children because there has been a push in the recovery for the next generation because fruit is hard to come by. Most of the saints in the church are married simply because they're in the church.

For the older saints, it's was like a big reunion to talk about old times in the church and see which locality they currently are at. And, when they talk I always found it weird that they only talk about church related stuff and nothing else.

The attendance was much smaller because of various reasons. Some saints my age were missing and I didn't bother to ask why. One reason but not too big was several families picked up and moved to migrate. In the early years of the GTCA, saints were just encouraged to serve during the two weeks nearby However in the last few years saints have been pressured to move out of state and across the country.

During the meetings many saints still say "Amen" after basically every sentence. For the sharing saints would come up and repeat stuff from the outline sometimes screaming. Overall, the same yearly weekend as before.

To end this post, I remember myself when I was very young at this weekend. These children are various ages really can't do anything for themselves until they're financially stable. If you think after high school you can't as if you go to a college away your parents will set you up with the college Christians on campus and the church there. After that the FTTA or then pressured to marry someone in the church.

I'm still in the church for various reasons but have considered leaving many times. But have not done so for various reasons yet.
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