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Old 09-03-2022, 09:30 AM   #35
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Spiritual Paralysis

Originally Posted by I tell the truth View Post
I have been going to the conferences since I was very little and each year the same saints are there month and year after year. As many of you know the LC, is not like other churches. They say it's the church life. Throughout the week you read the ministry and attend meetings other than Sunday. In fact, the words Sunday and going to church are forbidden.

As I mentioned, saints various reactions to the pandemic caused me to realize many things. And one of the main reasons is constantly judging and getting bothered with other people. And always saying the world, flesh, self. Etc. They say Christ has freed you, but then say you're imprisoned. I don't see freedom at all.

I have considered many times to leave for many reasons. But you have to realize parents in the local church think you're then going to go through the great tribulation and headed for the 1000 years if you're not under this ministry. And the elders and co workers say you're being your own God and head. I've been in many prayer meetings where they pray to recover child that have left. After praying certain saints then contact them after many years and try to do lunch or dinner.

I tell the Truth,

I agree 1000% with Trapped.

This topic and your moniker is "I Tell The Truth". The bible tells us, the truth will set you free. Who in the LC is truly free? It's simple things like this that helped me. Another simple truth: "You will know them by their fruit." You have spoken clearly about the fruit of Lee's "ministry". This bad fruit is in your life as well as the lives of many who have left, and the many who are are still there. Another verse on the judgmental practices: "Judge not, that you be not judged." There are many simple verses in the Bible that clearly define truth and Christian behavior. The Local Church doesn't want you to be free. The leadership wants your soul to be enslaved to the "ministry". I know, that's harsh, but it is borne out by the fruit. The speaking from the LC leadership toward the LC faithful, which you have posted about...? This speaking is a curse.

Eventually, I came to believe that it was much easier to follow the Lord than to follow the elders.

I also came to believe that possibly the worst thing about Lee's "ministry" is that it paralyzes believers who have a heart to follow the Lord. This spiritual paralysis makes it almost impossible to obey Him instead of "them". They/we ended up trying to follow the rules and regulations of the elders, you know, the ones they say don't exist. Instead of following the Lord, we follow them; we end up believing another gospel; we end up weak in the faith. We may end up with suicidal thoughts, as the other topic is illustrating. Suicidal thoughts are demonic because of the curse spoken out of deception.

It's very difficult to hear the voice of the Lord over the voice of the deceived who themselves work to deceive others.

So what do we do? Paul said "That I may know Him...". In the middle of all the other voices, including mine, talk to Him. Tell him everything you're thinking and feeling. Tell him about things that are bothering you, like what's in your post (read your post to Him). Every time someone tells you something, ask the Lord, "Lord is that you?" "Do you want me to believe this?" Tell Him: "Lord, I think something is not right with this...I'm just not sure. I need your help."

The way to get to know someone is to talk to them. I talk to Him throughout the day as though He were my best friend. (In fact, He is my best friend.) If you think this sounds crazy...tell Him. No one really knows for sure about what the tribulation will be like. No one knows the 1000 year matter...except God Himself.

What we know about scripture is, after all, interpreted by men. Hopefully the interpretation of scripture is based on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. That's why we are told to "test all things". Will the Holy Spirit in you agree to the interpretation/s of Witness Lee? In some cases, yes. In many more cases, not likely. Lee's "ministry" isn't always based on Scripture.

A good practice is to write down your questions, and put them on "hold". Then, ask Him "Lord, tell me what I need to know, when I need to know it." My biggest, bestest prayer is "Lord, please don't let me be deceived." I also pray often for protection from the father of Lies.

In talking to Him and knowing Him, you should have a clearer understanding on what God thinks about what's being taught in the LC. You will be able to answer Trapped's question "What do YOU think about...". We have been told what to think for so long, we pretty much don't know how to think for ourselves. We didn't learn to listen to the voice of the Lord, but the voice of another.

You may not get instant answers, but you might. You can bug Him for answers, or you can leave the timing to him. I've done both! You can trust the one who died for you.

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