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Old 09-02-2022, 04:08 PM   #34
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: I Tell The Truth!

Originally Posted by I tell the truth View Post
I have considered many times to leave for many reasons. But you have to realize parents in the local church think you're then going to go through the great tribulation and headed for the 1000 years if you're not under this ministry. And the elders and co workers say you're being your own God and head. I've been in many prayer meetings where they pray to recover child that have left. After praying certain saints then contact them after many years and try to do lunch or dinner.
Hello, I tell the truth,

I guess the question here is do you think you are going for 1000 year punishment if you don't listen to Witness Lee?

If you do NOT think that -- then this is like saying, "I would leave an abusive relationship, but the abusers friends tell me that I will be hit by a car if I leave the abuser." The lies that come out of liars mouths shouldn't be a deterrent to your doing the right thing.

If you DO think that -- then this is like saying Witness Lee is a requirement for a major aspect of your Christian life.....and yet.....can you provide any support from the Bible for that belief?

The elders and co-workers can say whatever they want to say; it doesn't make it true if it's a lie or if it contradicts the Bible. You have to discern for yourself. If you are following God OUT of the local church, then you are not being your own God, and they are just trying to manipulate you.

Eventually I had to make peace with the realization that I can't stop people from talking about me or praying for me even in ways I don't want. They are responsible for their words, not you. Do you think their prayers to bring you back to an imprisoning church situation will override God's will or God's care for you? I don't. Those kind of prayers are nothing to worry about, as far as I'm concerned.

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