Re: I Tell The Truth!
I have been going to the conferences since I was very little and each year the same saints are there month and year after year. As many of you know the LC, is not like other churches. They say it's the church life. Throughout the week you read the ministry and attend meetings other than Sunday. In fact, the words Sunday and going to church are forbidden.
As I mentioned, saints various reactions to the pandemic caused me to realize many things. And one of the main reasons is constantly judging and getting bothered with other people. And always saying the world, flesh, self. Etc. They say Christ has freed you, but then say you're imprisoned. I don't see freedom at all.
I have considered many times to leave for many reasons. But you have to realize parents in the local church think you're then going to go through the great tribulation and headed for the 1000 years if you're not under this ministry. And the elders and co workers say you're being your own God and head. I've been in many prayer meetings where they pray to recover child that have left. After praying certain saints then contact them after many years and try to do lunch or dinner.