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Old 09-02-2022, 11:39 AM   #32
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 361
Default Re: I have been a church kid all my life

Originally Posted by I tell the truth View Post
why do the elders and coworkers and then pass it on to the saints to make a big deal of and judge other peoples' lives when it simply has no effect on them. I think you know where I'm going. But I don't see how saints can say they're getting transformed. But then say people are wasting their lives, stupid, blind, in the world, of the flesh and in some cases going to the lake of fire.

There are many reasons that I could keep going on. But one more. The attack on other Christians. They say in Christianity they try to make you somebody by giving you a position. But then it kills your function and deadens your spirit.
The answer is because the very ministry they follow produces this sort of fruit.

You can ask “Why” all day, but when it comes down to it regardless of the answer, they still do it.

There’s tons of Christian groups that don’t do these things. What’s good about The Recovery isn’t unique, what’s unique about the Recovery isn’t good.
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