Originally Posted by I tell the truth
There are many reasons that I could keep going on. But one more. The attack on other Christians. They say in Christianity they try to make you somebody by giving you a position. But then it kills your function and deadens your spirit. So you need to come to the church to be the nobody that you actually are and have a function and enliven your spirit. Some leading brothers actually stood up and screamed Hallelujah that we're nobody's and laughed. Which I found strange and bizarre. I'm starting to see things that don't make sense and arent right. However, the ministry tries to defend this that Jesus isn't only the Savior but the Judge.
Try to think this one thru as you attend the Labor Day Conf:
Normally they condemn all outside Christians as helplessly, hopelessly divided, but occasionally they condemn all outside Christians for trying to be special in Christ.
Normally they boast in the Recovery, but occasionally they rejoice in being nobody.
Everyday, without exception, they boast in Witness Lee.