I have been a church kid all my life
I have a been a church kid all my life. Throughout my years I have been on and off but still continued meeting because my parents have been in it for a very longtime. And, would flip if I left. But, I have have not really been reading the ministry nor testifying for awhile. In which leading brothers have then called me out in the meetings and tried to get me to speak while they have a big smile on their face trying to embarrass you but they say they're encouraging. Talk about God giving you a freewill but not them.
My eyes really opened when the pandemic began. And, I saw different reactions from saints, elders and coworkers. But I won't go into those. As there are many other reasons that I heard before but didn't think much off.
During one message James brought up Jo. It has been 2 years afterwards. He was trying to make a point that a demon possessed her to write a letter. I remembered the letter two years ago and went to read it. I saw nothing wrong. I then found the special fellowship of Minoru and others in which they made a big deal of the letter and then didn't. And, the contradicted themselves many times.
Im going to make this post short. But, why do the elders and coworkers and then pass it on to the saints to make a big deal of and judge other peoples' lives when it simply has no effect on them. I think you know where I'm going. But I don't see how saints can say they're getting transformed. But then say people are wasting their lives, stupid, blind, in the world, of the flesh and in some cases going to the lake of fire.
There are many reasons that I could keep going on. But one more. The attack on other Christians. They say in Christianity they try to make you somebody by giving you a position. But then it kills your function and deadens your spirit. So you need to come to the church to be the nobody that you actually are and have a function and enliven your spirit. Some leading brothers actually stood up and screamed Hallelujah that we're nobody's and laughed. Which I found strange and bizarre. I'm starting to see things that don't make sense and arent right. However, the ministry tries to defend this that Jesus isn't only the Savior but the Judge.
I'm going to go to my local labor day conference and try to see if I can get anything from or tolerate it.