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Old 09-01-2022, 06:04 AM   #392
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

Originally Posted by Bible-believer View Post
I don't know whether Lee knew the Bible well.
However, he did wrongly teach and divide the word of truth, and the possible reasons could be (but are not limited to):
1. He didn't know the Bible well enough so he could rightly divide the word of truth.
2. He knew the Bible enough yet taught it wrongly purposely. If it is so, he got himself into big trouble like Balaam.
3. He realized he made mistakes that he was unable to recover. So he decided to cover all his false teaching with lots of "brain-washing" training.
Pride precedes the fall. The deep-seated arrogance passed on from Née clouded all the good. Lee elevated himself to be the “judge of all things Christian.” Even Billy Graham was deficient, not “seeing the church.”

Such was the legacy of the proud. We saw it with the Pharisees, the Popes, the Exclusives, etc. They always used their Bible knowledge to create false standards by which they could condemn all others. If they were successful at killing our Savior, think of what an easy job they had with us.
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