Originally Posted by Witness Lee
The full gospel is the whole New Testament, not just John 3:16. Here in Revelation 2:11 is a portion of the full gospel which says that we must overcome all persecution. If you do not overcome, you will not receive the crown of life; instead, you will be hurt by the second death. If you believe John 3:16, then you must believe Revelation 2:11. Both are the Lord’s word. I say again that this is the full gospel.
Am I mistaken that "the second death" is what happens to those who reject Christ? And are the letters to the churches in Revelation the basis for Lee's "overcomers" teaching?
If so.....it almost sounds as if Witness Lee is saying that Christians who are not what he calls "overcomers".......will suffer the second death, i.e. not actually be saved?! This is a new one!
(I'm not referring to what the Bible says; I'm referring to the teaching in the local church. This is a new version of the teaching, if I am understanding it right! I never had the understanding when in the LC that non-overcomers were essentially as good as not even saved....but it's pretty easy to get that impression from this excerpt here!)
P.S. I guess I just don't understand people who make stuff up in order to produce more merchandise for followers to pay for. There is MORE than enough stuff in the Bible for anyone who devotes their life to it to produce TRUE material without needing to create fake stuff. I don't understand the mindset of Lee seeming to flap his lips and just deciding to go with whatever mess of words happens to come out that day. He knew the Bible well, even if he wrongly taught a lot of it. Why not just teach the true stuff? Plenty of devoted Christians are happy to buy true stuff.