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Old 08-21-2022, 08:17 PM   #23
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Please Keep Benson Phillips and his Family in your Thoughts and Prayers

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I can see some of your points Trapped, I just don’t have the same amount of grace to these people that have been destroying peoples lives for decades. I don’t have the “feelings” to say that I want them dead, no I don’t. But let me say this, I pray God destroys this system utterly and totally, and if it comes with some of the man that hold this tight grip on these people vanishing away, let it be so. I’ll take 10 lives of people being restored and build up, over a life of a person that’s a tool for destruction. That’s as simple as it can be. Sorry if that’s harsh or not compassionate. Maybe his kids and grandkids will actually have an opportunity to experience God, and His unconditional love, which their dad and grandpa stood in the way of it even being considered, let alone experienced.

Thanks for contributing your thoughts and honest response. I feel the same as you do. Most of the co-workers have had more than enough chances to see what's really going on, and yet they double-down in total allegiance even when the truth and the real damage to human lives is shined right in their faces. They are choosing to do what they do, choosing the lie over truth, and the charade over reality, to the continued searing of their consciences. I just can't say that I want them dead, just as you can't either. So we're stuck in this weird middle zone, knowing that since they continue on in unrepentant sin and deception, sadly, their getting older and passing away is one of the only hopes there are right now for things to change for the people trapped inside. It's an awkward place to be in.

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