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Old 08-19-2022, 11:05 AM   #16
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Please Keep Benson Phillips and his Family in your Thoughts and Prayers

Again, I'll just say it. Benson's passing does not give me any joy. I would rather he was still alive, and I know just how much he has wounded some people. Just as God does not desire that anyone perish, I also try to hope for the real kind of "recovery" of a person who has gone astray the way the co-workers have, while they are alive. There are those in the local church who rejoice upon the death of those who they consider "opposers". I do not want to be that kind of person.

His kids and grandkids just lost their father/grandfather. But this is also someone who followed Witness Lee in absolute allegiance and is part of the group of "leaders" who demand that everyone else does too, under threat of being destroyed and losing everything, wrecking people for decades with that kind of rhetoric. I genuinely do not know how to parse through the conflicted feelings.

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