Hello forum,
I don’t know if this is coincidence or a maybe a start of some conversation about the issues related to what happens to people in this movement. I am also a registered member on this forum, but will for privacy reasons choose to post this one in this manner. I haven’t posted here for a while, but for whatever reason I decided to check out the forum this morning. Seeing the recent post about suicide, and the years of struggle that are associated with this movement hit home for me in the past few weeks.
For the first time in my life, I had to admit to my beautiful lovely wife, that during my time as a member of the local movement, I have considered this option twice. I had made plans, and knew that it was going to be the last time I ever see her, and my kids. It was the most gut wrenching experience of my life, and if it wasn’t for God stopping me in my tracks, and telling me to turn around and go home, I wouldn’t be here today to write this.
I believe that God by His mercy and grace, He has forgiven me for it, freed me from the grip, and the weight of it.
I believe in my heart, that the teachings and spiritual practices of the local church, are a perfect breathing ground for these spiritual disorders and mental, psychological, emotional trauma that if not dealt with, or recognized in time, can lead people down into irreversible pattern of self destruction. The local church’s teachings, regarding self annihilation, self hatred, self destruction, are totally to blame for these spiritual disorders. These unbiblical, uncaring, unloving methods of dealing with self, rather than dealing with sin, are satanic attempts to destroy the remaining human elements of a persons who are created in the image of God, and are a temple of the Living God.
Local churches ignorance and total failure to understand and call the issues of the soul as unimportant, selfish, or even somehow injected with satan himself, are outright fallacies and total disregard to Gods distinct care and love for individual believer as a whole. Things like denying natural affection to its brothers, sisters, family members and all outsiders completely, living in isolated state of mind, are deadly components of destruction and careless approach to God people, and fellow members of the body.
I know people today, current and former members, who are only existing and alive today, because of psychiatric drugs, trying to deal with issues that are direct results of years of neglect and abuse by the goons that run this outfit.
I will finish this by saying the following: Jesus is still powerful and mighty, just as He was when He walked this earth. He still cares about you as a whole human being, He created you and I. He still able to heal and get you into the right understanding and right view of what He actually desires in your life. I received that healing, I know the difference, and it’s available for anyone. Please pray that God releases all the broken down, abused and needy children, families from these “churches”, and sets them on the right path, right relationship with Him. Thanks for hearing my story, and please receive my true condolences to Peter D. and his family.
God bless!