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Old 08-09-2022, 11:01 PM   #8
I tell the truth
Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 21
Default Re: Please Keep Benson Phillips and his Family in your Thoughts and Prayers

No mention of Benson's condition was mentioned tonight in the prayer meeting. Quite a few coworkers have had serious health problems in the last few years or died. Andrew Yu died and Dick Taylor had a stroke and hasn't spoken a message since. Three other coworkers died as well.

Minoru has also had heath problems but he doesn't really talk about it in the conferences and trainings. I don't remember what health problems Ed had but in the training last month he mentioned how he gets tired and weak suddenly and needs to call on the Lord with brothers to get enliven.

I think the last five years there has been talk back and forth of preparing the next generation to bring Jesus back and or just bringing Him back now.

A side note for Ron, when his wife died his children l had to go to the house every night because he didn't know how to do general tasks like cook or operate a dish washer. He spoke all this in a message. After he got remarried I saw him at a conference with his new wife. They sat down at breakfast and didn't say anything. She then got up and got his plate from the buffet. As they ate they still didn't speak. But after messages she would run up to him excited. Just my observation. She came from Russia and won the search to be his wife as the brothers searched for and interviewed many to possibly be his wife.

Last edited by I tell the truth; 08-10-2022 at 06:17 AM.
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