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Old 08-09-2022, 01:16 PM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Please Keep Benson Phillips and his Family in your Thoughts and Prayers

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Apparently Benson has been taken off life support.
I guess this could mean two different things.....either his situation has improved so that he no longer needs to be on life support, or he has a, say, DNR, and it was deemed that his situation is such that they are going to allow him to pass without extraordinary measures. Do we know which?

I dunno - I guess I'll just say it. These kinds of situations with the co-workers (Ron and Benson most recently) are hard because they are really the ones responsible for keeping the members in the local church trapped and deceived, and frankly the more who were directly close to Witness Lee who pass away, the better the chance that tight grip has of loosening there. But no one wants to wish someone would die. That is certainly not my wish for Benson or any of the co-workers, at least when I'm in my right mind.

But how do we pray the best prayers for life for those who have caused countless lifetimes of damage to so many people? I also have a hard time with that. The best I can do in this situation is to indeed pray for life or for a recovery, but not so they can continue on in their "function" in the local church, which is a wicked function, but rather, so that the leading brother has more time to repent. That I can do. God is always wanting us to repent and turn and acknowledge what we've done, and I can certainly want and pray for that too, even praying for cult leaders to recover so they have every chance to repent and turn.

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