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Old 08-07-2022, 11:11 AM   #193
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Debunked or not?

Originally Posted by Timotheist View Post
In short, my position has not changed as a result of this discussion, as I am a stubborn man.

I think the general consensus among most of the commenters is that there will be disciplinary punishments handed out to some believers at the onset of the 1000 year, transitional, kingdom, but we also generally accepted the notion that the imprisonment would not be for the full 1000 years for everyone who is judged. I agree that the original question, as stated, is not held up by scripture. What is scriptural is the concept that the punishment fits the crime:

"you will not be released until you have paid the last cent" (perhaps paraphrased)

This warning must be meant for believers, as those judged as unbelievers (more precisely, not in the BOL) will never be released.

I consider 1000 years as a "maximum sentence" kind of thing, reserved for the most stubborn of us to accept sanctification. I, for one, do not think I would be held that long, because my stubbornness has its limits

I sometimes ponder why some of humanity would join Satan for the final battle at the end of that time. You would have to be pretty stubborn to do that.
I agree with this summation! Scripture gives different degrees of rewards/adjustment/angst/punishment, and I think that is simply because each believer's works (whether they are done according to God's will or not) will be reviewed, and some works will not pass the test of fire. That is, there is no "one size fits all," because all of God's children are different with differing behaviors and resulting actions/works.

And, as was said, I too believe the 1,000 years of outer darkness is debunked and this is most likely not required for everyone who's works don't survive the test. However, I consider even the loss of the enjoyment of the wedding feast to be huge - and who knows how long that will go on!?

To me the bottom-line is what a brother told me a few years ago, "We may not know exactly what the Lord has in store for us, but the main point is simply this: BE READY!" So I take the stance that even though it's hard to determine from scripture all the precise details and timing, I know He loves me as His child and He will hold me accountable for being faithful in at least a few things . . . Even just being faithful in a few things shows some level of maturity and I believe it will be the more mature ones that will enjoy the wedding feast and then will rule and reign with Him in the kingdom.

Those believers who are foolish and don't buy the oil or hide their God-given talent will be ashamed before Him at His coming, and will suffer the consequences, righteously commensurate with how they handled the gift of grace they were given. I say righteously, because no one will be able to say it was not exactly as they deserve or need. And even this will be fully in His love, as I believe this discipline will ultimately be seen to help develop and mature that believer in Christ gloriously.

(and regarding your last statement about why some would still follow Satan after all of this, I too ponder that! All I can figure is they are simply deceived, and God has given them over to that deception. Maybe Satan seduces them with a, "Just one final push and we can beat God, and then you'll have all you'd ever want" kind of delusion.)
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