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Old 08-05-2022, 08:55 AM   #190
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Huntsville, AL
Posts: 424
Default Re: Debunked or not?

Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
Any doctrine that tells you that you need to do something to earn a salvation isn’t a doctrine found in the New Testament, and negates the person & work of our savior Jesus Christ.
"Salvation" and "Discipline" are two entirely different concepts, which is the point some of us have been trying to make to counter your statement.

To be disciplined for (up to) 1000 years is NOT about salvation. To be thrown into the LOF is the ultimate judgement, and I feel confident that I will not get the second death penalty due to my actions.

We are saved by grace, but judged by our deeds. If our deeds are found insufficient at the time of the second coming, we will be judged by the Son.

But the life/death decision is not made until after the 1000 years, where we will be judged by the Father. If our deeds are found insufficient at that judgement, we will retain eternal life, but will not be ruling and reigning in the New Jerusalem. Rather we will be living as the Nations, content with the water of life and the leaves of the tree to sustain us forever.

Not every teaching of the LC is about exerting power over the congregation. There is some truth in there that is not generally embraced by those who preach nothing but the "feel good" gospel.

What I have seen by many who have left the LC is that they ditch these teachings and revert to the heaven/hell, binary, salvation model, where belief is the only thing that matters.
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