Originally Posted by Nell
Where are we regarding 1000 Years Discipline? Is it going to happen? How? Is it definitive Scripturally? Where? Summarize in 350 words or less.
Has anyone changed your original belief/interpretation?
My stance toward this doctrine has changed, before I was unsure but now I’m sure. It’s a false doctrine that isn’t supported scripturally. It requires (like many recovery doctrines) a eisegesis interpretation of the word paired with mental gymnastics, that produces a Christian walk of fear rather than love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
There is no scripture that says if you don’t “gain X amount of Christ you will be cast into the outer darkness for 1000 years where you will be separated from Christ to be transformed more because your initial salvation wasn’t enough.”
There is scripture that says, We are saved by grace through faith, not by our own works, but by the gift of God. The blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin past, present, future. That everyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life.
Any doctrine that tells you that you need to do something to earn a salvation isn’t a doctrine found in the New Testament, and negates the person & work of our savior Jesus Christ.
This discussion was eye opening, and freed me from years of fear & anxiety that this Lords Recovery produced in me (any many others).