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Old 08-04-2022, 07:55 AM   #183
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: 1000 Years Discipline

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
Yeah. Some thoughts....
  • it over emphasizes the application and scope of the athletic games view - The athletic games bema is a metaphor and we have to be careful how much weight and scope you give the metaphor when you are defining the real thing
  • seems to ignore some crucial verses and words and downplay other verses/words - these other ones are very important and useful to get a more accurate and complete picture
  • consequences of sin and disobedience are relagated to "this life" only - no view of the coming age. Just this life and then eternal heaven
  • no view of consequences during the millennium - they conclude, either: rewards then joy in heaven OR loss of rewards, some momentary shame, joy in heaven
  • no mention at all concerning the possibility of missing the marriage feast/being part of the Bride or not ruling and reigning with Christ, or not inheriting the kingdom
  • it directly and explicitly contradicts verses about this subject concerning many things, like severe discipline
Sure . . . and that is the big question, that is, where on the spectrum of total grace/severe punishment that we see things. Over the years I sincerely believe what the Lord has been showing me is the potential of the bema will be far less severe than what the LC advocates. But, I still see there will be negative consequences for not being FAITHFUL in a FEW THINGS (which, if you haven't picked up, is something very strong the Lord has shown me, and I was compelled to write a 6 page paper on this - want a copy?). I know there will be suffering by some who are not faithful to obey in those few things - the degree of that possible suffering is something that is not 100% clear in the word (as are many things), in other words I don't think we can know for sure (and everyone will be evaluated on their own things).

But if He has taught me anything, it is that is safest to err on the side of His love for us. That doesn't mean that believers won't suffer, as even that suffering will be in love to fully develop us into glorified sons of our Father. Again, His motive is always love toward us as children.

So I think our focus has to be on love, since that's what is presented in the bible. As I mentioned before, I did a word study to compare "positive" words in the NT with "negative." It was about a 10 to 1 ratio in the word. (that's a general statement, but true I think. It would be interesting how many times "fear of the Lord" - or similar - is used contrasted with words pertaining to "love" in the NT, but I suspect the ratio would still be very high for "love." BTW - I also suspect "fear not" pops up much more than "fear.")
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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