Originally Posted by Timotheist
"Leaves", I believe, are meant to be "worn", not "eaten". Like when A&E sewed fig leaves together to cover their unholiness.
"Fruit", of course, is meant to be eaten.
So leaves result in an outward appearance of holiness, kinda like the priest's robes covering their nakedness in OT times. It is important that we keep these robes with us and wash them clean.
But to be holy underneath the robe is something totally different. The "fruit" maintains inward holiness, a requirement to draw near the throne in the New Creation.
Of course this is my opinion 
That is an interesting take that leaves are not to be eaten, but rather worn . . . However, there are certainly leaves that do get eaten and we eat many (although perhaps not tree leaves per se). However, fruit is definitely for eating, and is much tastier and usually more nourishing I would think.