Originally Posted by Ohio
Some late 19th Century writers like Govett and Panton surmised that the “sheep” in the parable in Matt 25 were the “nations” outside of the New Jerusalem. They took note that these sheep “entered into eternal life” due to how they treated God’s children, but did not have eternal life within as we do by faith.
They need the healing of the leaves of the NJ, the ruling by the believers, and the instructions of the Jewish priests how to worship and serve God.
I mostly agree with this, but to elaborate more, here is my take on who will make up the Nations in the New Creation:
1) None of the "goats" in Matt 25. they are the living unbelievers who survive until the second coming, and are immediately tossed into the LOF.
2) The "sheep" in Matt 25, described as you did here. They will be allowed entrance into the Son's kingdom, to be ruled and reigned over by the kings and priests for 1000 years. I would venture to suggest that not ALL of these sheep will survive a second judgement. 1000 years is a long time, and they must be actively obedient to these leaders (and to Christ). Some, I fear, will resist and join Satan in the final rebellion. These are among the "tares" mentioned in that other parable.
3) Unbelieving Israelites (like the rich man in Luke). They will be resurrected and allowed a second chance during the Son's kingdom. Their reward, like the obedient sheep, will be eternal life (also contingent upon continued obedience).
4) Believers who were judged at the Son's judgement seat and cast into Outer Darkness. They are described in the parable of the sower as those who initially received the Word of God but walked away. They will be saved through fire, but are not holy enough to dwell in the NJ.
5) And finally, a portion of the unbelievers who died and are not resurrected until the Great White Throne judgement. I believe this covers a segment of the population that never heard the gospel, but are saved nonetheless. They are given eternal life in a similar manner as the gentile sheep of Matt 25.
The parable of the Sower describes four different types of people, and the New Creation describes four outcomes:
1) The unholy. Those who have no eternal life and are tossed into the LOF.
2) The holy (Called). Not holy enough to draw close to the Throne, and will not get the TOL's fruit. But they will continue in eternal life via the water and the leaves distributed from the Throne. These are the "Nations".
3) The holier (Chosen). Primarily the Royal Priesthood who rule over the Nations. Out of the many who are "Called" these are the few "Chosen".
4) The holiest (Faithful). The Bride of the Lamb. Described as the "sons of Zadok" in Ezekiel. They are distinguished among the "Chosen" Levites as being also "Faithful".
This is Timotheism in a nutshell.