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Old 07-27-2022, 12:30 AM   #138
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: 1000 Years Discipline

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Rather than speak with authority, I think these kinds of statements should include qualifiers like "in my opinion" or "I could be wrong, but...". Leave some room for the Holy Spirit to confirm your beliefs, or not.

Just like I would have no problem saying, "the Bible definitely includes belief that Jesus is Lord as a requirement for salvation" without needing to add qualifiers or IMOs, so also I have no problem saying, "When 2 Timothy 3 clearly describes men as 'opposing the truth' and 'disqualified from the faith' they are definitely not genuine believers" without needing to add qualifiers or IMOs.

Inherent in your post seems to be the belief that I have NOT gotten confirmation from the Holy Spirit! Just playing a bit there but also that thought does seem to be present. I think there are some things that the Holy Spirit might say....."what are you waiting for confirmation about? The Bible couldn't be clearer about it! Stand firm on the Word of God!"

I am not speaking with authority and to my recollection have never claimed to do so. The Bible has the authority and I just pointed to what it says. I examined the word before I said what I said. If I'm wrong, which is always possible, this is a discussions forum and anyone is welcome to make their "dissenting" case from the Bible. I won't have a problem if they don't include qualifiers or IMOs as they lay out their case.


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