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Old 07-22-2022, 05:52 AM   #117
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Huntsville, AL
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Default Re: 1000 Years Discipline

Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
I think the unfaithful servant was not born again. I think this person was presented with a gift but did nothing with it. Much like those invited to the feast but didn’t come, or those who didn’t have oil in their lamp. The gospel is available to all, but there are those who will not accept it. Lots of people are Christian in name only.
There is only one judgement parable in Matthew where the judgement results in death, and that is the judgement of the Gentile goats (unbelievers).

The rest are judgements that do not result in death. The most clearly stated case of this is the foolish virgins, who go out and fill their lamps, but the door is closed. These are NOT unbelievers.

If one thinks of salvation as a simple binary outcome: life or death, saved or unsaved, then one will remain confused. There are TWO books opened at the final judgement: one covering deeds, and the other determines life or death.

For a simple binary outcome, there would only be one book.
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