Originally Posted by Zezima
I view the outer darkness as gods eternal judgement, a place for unbelievers. Not believers.
Why does the master tell the unfaithful servant (Matt 24 & 25 & in Luke 19) that he is going to outer darkness (or assigned a place with hypocrites)? Do you think the unfaithful servant was not born again?
There are many who think the unfaithful servant, in these parables, didn't belong to the Lord, but there's little reason given in scripture to think that. The Master approached all of them as His servants, spoke to all of them, gave them all something, expected something from each in return and came back to each of them looking for what they had done while He was away. Therefore there's accountability after coming into God's family/household - "Judgement begins at the house of God." (and in no way means they are "un-born" or lose eternal life)
It's a much bigger reach to say the unfaithful one wasn't a believer.
BTW: outer darkness probably doesn't equate with hell/eternal damnation (and I don't believe it does).