Originally Posted by Unregistered
Do you also mock David for his great sin? do you also mock Solomon for his evil acts of fornication and idolatry after Jehovah appeared to him 2 times? Your attitude needs to be judged and looked at by God and shown in the light to you. You have a lot of boldness living in darkness, but that is just my opinion. Go and build the Body of Christ and stop your fleshly complaining!
If this is your first time posting, welcome to the forum! Although your comment above was deleted, I'd like to respond to it, because I see the "David and Solomon" thing brought up so, so many times as if it is some kind of ace in the hole, show-stopping argument.
The blindingly obvious difference between David and Solomon versus what is being spoken of here on this forum is that David and Solomon are shown to have acknowledged their sins and repented. In contrast, no such thing happened in the Lord's Recovery by Witness Lee or his immoral sons.
What did John the Baptist preach in Mark 1?
Mark 1:4
John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
repentance for the forgiveness of sins...
Repentance is kind of the lynch pin. This is kind of Forgiveness 101. If you want to be forgiven, you need to repent.
Did Witness Lee or his sons acknowledge and repent for their immorality and their covering of immorality? No! So they are not let off the hook.
And the "they are no longer alive" argument doesn't work either because the behaviors and tactics that Witness Lee used to cover things up and to justify protecting sexually immoral and extraordinarily predatory and damaging behavior ARE INGRAINED IN THE LORD'S RECOVERY TO THIS DAY. He used twisted and false biblical justification for his evil behavior. He taught things opposed to the Bible which have been passed on to the co-workers and leading brothers and who now apply those same tactics to similar situations all throughout the Lord's Recovery, causing an unbelievably bloody, tear-filled, and in too many cases, suicide-littered path behind them.
If you think that those who continue to hold an unrepentant and sin-protecting system accountable are the ones in darkness......I'm afraid that only serves to show you that the serious situation I described above has actually directly affected your own life, perceptions, and conscience. Please, unregistered, stick around and continue the discussion. You are being deceived by many, many false and unbiblical doctrines that are packed full of flowery and ear-tickling words that are so well packaged as to make you think you are receiving something pure, when it is really one of the most leavened systems out there. Please come back and participate. If you are right and we are wrong, then you should have nothing to fear by participating.......right?