Yes, if you stay in the recovery you receive the blessing, keep the presence of God and can possibly be part of the building. However, before you can be built a be a part you need to become the precious materials but that involves a process they say. The crucified and resurrected Christ needs to build Himself into you.
It's not that easy though. Our our nature needs to go because it contradicts God and is sinful. It's a process and this is where grafting comes in. We need to be cut off from our old nature where it dies and God imparts Himself into us resurrection. Also, our old man is nailed to the cross and needs to stay there. If we do anything not of Christ but in our old man it means we got off the cross. Also that we won't let Christ be expressed we are being our our God and head.
This is probably what alot of people in the church think of you who left. That you are self boasting, self approving, prideful,etc. And, this is because you refuse to be under God's judgement to be stripped, dealt with and suffer. When you should be losing your old man and gaining God while calling on His name and reading and praying His world while this is happening.
You start as materials, then cut stones and then living stones. Minoru said Christianity is not building up God's house and temple but a man's work because they don't know or wont accept that they're flesh and are not worthy but death and burial. Nell, as you said earlier yes we are all part of the body. But, Minoru shared in his message that everyone outside the recovery isn't in the right place to build the house, doesn't know how and therefore isn't. One recurring thing for all the coworkers is that they so easily say worthless, poor and pitiful as if that's what God thinks of those outside the Church.
Ed's early message said each message we can't say we heard and know everything. Because if we do congratulations let's have a funeral for you. Instead, we need to be open to learn and have a fresh appreciation.
Just keeping everyone updated what is being spoken.
Adding something about Flesh, Lee said he wished he could cover himself completely because he is flesh and it's sinful.
Originally Posted by Zezima
“If you stay in the recovery, you enjoy the blessing. If you stay outside the recovery, there is nearly no blessing.” - Witness Lee