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Old 07-12-2022, 09:49 AM   #131
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Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

What is the reason to control? What is gained by these elders and leaders?
Do they gain more $$? Do they buy mansions with all their deceitfully earned $$?
NO. Nothing is really gained. That is why accusations of control among the blended brothers, or elders, or some full-time serving ones is from the pits of hell. The accuser of the brethren labors with those who are evil, hate Witness Lee and the local churches to belittle and put them down due to their dislike. Don't you think some of the blended brothers can have their own ministry, write books using scripture, and could have a large following?? Of course they can write their own publications and gain a large following. But they choose to "be small", take the cross and endeavor to be the "testimony of Jesus". We are not the only church, but we are only the church!!
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