Originally Posted by I tell the truth
... I wanted to ask all of you if God gives us freewill, then why does the recovery focus so much on God being out life and strongly influencing on choice? Ricky said that we need to listen to the Spirit and most of what He tells us is no. No to our phone, no to what we are about to say and no to what we are about to do. Also that we are constantly under God's judgement. And that we are also under self judgement as we Amen God's judgement. Further, if we are asked to serve or if we want to serve we need to see we are unable and unworthy.
I read a quote awhile back that said something like "
The way to tell how great a leader is, is to see how much freedom he gives to those who follow him." I can't remember who said it, but it makes a lot of sense.Contrast our great God with Witness Lee and those in leadership in the Local Churches. Compare with an "arranged marriage" vs. a couple who mutually choose to marry each other out of love, respect, honor, etc.
The Local Church focuses on its practice of revoking the freewill which was given to us by God and calling it "recovery". How is overruling what God freely gave us "recovery", much less the "
Lord's recovery"?
This revoking of the freewill of man is the only means possible for the Local Church leadership to control its membership. The Local Church leadership doesn't teach listening to the Holy Spirit. It teaches "listen to me/Lee" and I'll tell you what the Holy Spirit is, or isn't, saying. Trapped is right. The Local Church teachings insure that you never mature in Christ. When I was "there", I found it much easier and simpler to follow the Lord than to follow the elders in the Local Church.