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Old 07-10-2022, 07:12 PM   #128
I tell the truth
Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 21
Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

Ok. Sorry for the delay in the updates of the training. It's been a lot of the same that we have heard for years, not matter what the book. WL has been called the minister of the age and this ministry the one of the age. Ron said if you come in from Christianity and have had some kind of position the leaven has to be purged. We can't forget about mentioning of the natural man and flesh. Minoru said everything of your old man is utterly useless and will be rejected by the church if you attempt to keep it.

Once again the local localities have been mentioned as the only churches and the expression and enlargement. I don't need to mention everything many of you have all heard it. As always a few corny jokes. Ron said that Moses was God's expression and the acting God. And that he had a 80 year term of the FTTA. James said that Jesus trained His disciples for 40 days and that we should instead now make trainings 40 days.

The training is on Kings so there is a lot of talk of being dealt with, trained, transformed and becoming a army. Alot of talk of how you are like unbelievers and Christians but different. That you can have a family, job, etc. But not other things and don't love your family or job more than Christ and the Church.

Also, you can't forget that every speaker has to mention a WL or WN story each message.

I had to add something after tonight's message. The message was on grafting. I wanted to ask all of you if God gives us freewill, then why does the recovery focus so much on God being out life and strongly influencing on choice? Ricky said that we need to listen to the Spirit and most of what He tells us is no. No to our phone, no to what we are about to say and no to what we are about to do. Also that we are constantly under God's judgement. And that we are also under self judgement as we Amen God's judgement. Further, if we are asked to serve or if we want to serve we need to see we are unable and unworthy.

Last edited by I tell the truth; 07-10-2022 at 09:51 PM. Reason: Additional comments.
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