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Old 07-06-2022, 08:46 AM   #380
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

Stumbled on your website, and with reading all this, it can be doom and gloom. But as a daily reminder for myself, that “A good laugh is good for the soul.”, what a perfect day to hear some me vs every one else quotes from the minister. I don’t even need to go to a comedy club sometimes, I just look back 15-20 years and read things like these. BTW LSM, thanks for organizing your new website so well, makes it so much easier to find things.

CWWL, 1984, vol. 5, "The Faithful and Diligent Spreading of the Truth—concerning the Publication Service," ch. 8: Being Equipped and Other Matters Related to the Publication Work.

p. 265: The Relationship between Grammar and the Truth; Americans can read the Bible aloud, but most do not understand what they read.
p. 265: However, in regard to grammar, most Americans cannot compare with me. Grammar is very important because it is related to the truth.
p. 266: Most Americans with a master's degree or a Ph.D. in other fields are not up to the standard in grammar, in spite of the fact that the American educational system is quite good.
p. 274: In other words, accuracy is more important than time. Many Americans feel that I have a hard-working character because I was almost sixty years old when I went to the United States twenty years ago, but I am still working.
p. 274: The young Americans who try to keep up with me have fallen by the wayside. Of course, I must testify that if I push myself too hard, I will eventually get sick.

Happy Wednesday!
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