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Old 07-06-2022, 05:09 AM   #118
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Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
“ In Genesis 23, verse 6 speaks of the “choice” sepulcher, referring to the best sepulcher. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He did not have a good dwelling place. But after He died, He was put into a very good burying place (Matt. 27:57-60). He lived in a poor home, but He was buried in a rich tomb. In the Bible, this is a principle. We should not live in a good home, but we should prepare the best tomb. Abraham paid more attention to the sepulcher than to the tent. (Life Study of Genesis, msg 59, pp. 786 )”
Talk about insanity!

Show me one verse or one of the apostles who followed Lee’s teaching.

And if WL really believed this nonsense, why did he have the saints build him such a “good home” on Ball Road in Anaheim, which btw has now become a museum of sorts.
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