Originally Posted by Raptor
Applying these principles of biblical interpretation, it must be seen that Israel (Abraham’s physical descendants) and the church (all New Testament believers) are two distinct groups. It is crucial to recognize that Israel and the church are distinct because, if this is misunderstood, Scripture will be misinterpreted.
What this should say, “In order for this view of eschatology to make sense, you need to view Israel and the church as separate”
Without the hermeneutical framework of dispensationalism, this view of eschatology has its pitfalls. Now I’m not saying it is right or wrong, but this article you posted makes some wide strokes.
At the end of the day, whether your a covenant theology or dispensational theology holder, your salvation is the same. However these frameworks typically lead to vastly different interpretations of the end times. The 1,000 year discipline doctrine held by the lords recovery can only be constructed through the lense of dispensationalism. In fact, Darby was a major component of the multiple rapture theology you hear about in western Christianity, the idea of being left behind traces its roots back to him. Witness lee was a huge fan of Darby.