Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
(Premillenialism)....According to them, it was first promoted by JN Darby around 150 years ago, and prior to that, amillennialism was more prevalent (since Augustine). Does that mean that the teaching of premillennialism (Christ returns prior to a 1000 year reign) wasn't taught at all prior to Darby?
History of Premillenialism paragraph in Wikipedia
Premillenialism was supported by in the early church by Papias,[6] Irenaeus, Justin Martyr,[5] Tertullian,[7] Pseudo-Barnabas,[8] Methodius, Lactantius,[9] Commodianus[10] Theophilus,[11] Melito,[12] Hippolytus of Rome, Victorinus of Pettau,[13][14] Nepos, Julius Africanus, Commodianus, Tatian[15]and Montanus.[16] However the premillenial views of Montanus probably affected the later rejection of premillenialism in the Church, as Montanism was seen as a heresy.[15]
Proponents of historic premillennialism include Baptists, Presbyterians, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and several Evangelical groups. Individual proponents of historic premillennialism include: John Gill,[17] Robert Shank, Charles Spurgeon, Mike Bickle,[17][18] Benjamin Wills Newton (a contemporary and fierce theological rival of the father of dispensationalism, John Nelson Darby), George Eldon Ladd,[19] Albert Mohler,[20] Clarence Bass, John Piper,[21] Francis Schaeffer, D. A. Carson,[22][23][24] Gordon Clark,[17] Bryan Chapell,[25] and Carl F. H. Henry.[26]