I want to comment on the genders being separated. This has been a long standing practice. Summer School of The truth which is a week long Bible camp is separate. At regular meetings boys and girls, males and females they don't really mingle.
In fact, males and females are prohibited from riding together separate. The ministry uses the concept of appearance of evil that you can stumble the saints or make them suspect that you two are doing something sinful. And also if males and females get too friendly the flesh will rise up to make them be sinful.
Yesterday, a new one was condemning himself in the meeting about being attracted to females. As he was pouring out his heart testimony a elder told him to wrap it up as they were short on time. The brother said nothing explicit.
Originally Posted by Zezima
Oh I didn’t realize it was portrayed as some sort of requirement to meet God’s approval. I withdraw my comment on the practice being biblical. While it is in the Bible, there is no text that says it’s required.
In the college trainings, we would have a bonfire meeting where the genders were separated. At the end of the singing time, we all wrote down things on a piece of paper that we are “giving up” or “giving” to the lord. We then threw those pieces of paper in the fire and prayed intensely that the Lord would burn those things away..