Originally Posted by I tell the truth
I don't know how old most of you are but did you hear of the burnings. They used the reference of gehenna fire for completely clearing in the past after you come into the church. They also you the reference of crushing idols. I don't think the saints are too crazy now. But, those that have 40 years in still are. Even when they tell the stories. I don't have 40 years in.
Anyways, in Anaheim I don't know if they did it elsewhere but they would hold barn fires and newly people that had come into the church would bring many things and burn them. One use to play many sports so he burned all his sports equipment. When his friends invited him to play he turned them down and said I just care to hear and learn about God.
One more thing. The trainings use to be longer than 12 messages and weren't around the holidays. Some saints were so psyched up they would threaten to quit their jobs or actually did. After the revelation training WL found out that saints had quit their jobs and were only cleaning swimming pools or unemployed. He then held a special fellowship and said the saints needed to go to college to get a career or skill because God was not returning if they didn't properly make their beds in the morning.
I attended 2 “burning meetings” in Houston in the early days. I still regret a few things I felt pressured to burn. I now know that the Lord did not require me to burn anything. It was all about the LC establishing control.