Originally Posted by Paul Vusik
I shared something on a Bible verse with someone from LC, but was texted back, “I don’t want to hear any other interpretations that are divisive, which are not of the LC. Plus, when you have or see differently, you are most likely under the influence of satan. I have cut off all communications with some other brother who offered me different views before, so just be careful what you send out”
I haven’t send another text regarding any spiritual maters to that person since. Hard to believe, but the reality speaks for itself. Total isolation and total mindless existence.
Thank you for your sharing, Paul
Not only LC / LR people dose not want to "listen" other non-LR's message, I find out they do not read Bible . .or should i say their main focus is Witness Lee's message and thought which for them is greater then Bible.
I personally know some pastors in mid-west of USA has been threaten by LR / LC's "missionaries" and interrupt their bible study. I even heard LR people telling other new believers that if you walk away MOTA / LR, You will be abound by Jesus Christ / God and your salvation will be taken away and you will be in Hell.
For those LR /LC people, Please let me know where in the Bible tells about leaving LR is disobey God.