Originally Posted by Raptor
"those" Hebrews? Yes, who are an example and type for us. "...how shall we escape...". "Now these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us"....1 Cor. 10:11.
"For we must all be revealed before the judgment seat of Christ, that each may receive back the things done through the body according to what he did, whether good or evil". 1 Cor. 5:10. If you are a New Testament believer and you do bad things, you do evil, you will be paid back according to what you did, (unless of course you confess your sins and repent).
Yes, indeed, the Book of Hebrews was written to "those Hebrews" who were returning to their old Jewish ways, honoring angels (ch 1-2), esteeming Moses and Joshua (ch. 3-4), practicing the priesthood of Aaron (ch 5), returning to the ways of the Old Covenant (ch. 8), and sacrificing animals in the Mosaic Temple (ch.9-10)
This book was a warning to the Hebrews, just as the books of the entire Old Testament were warnings to us. They are filled with stories, signs, types, shadows, figures, etc. all of which were fulfilled by the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, and whom God raised from the dead. Leave Him and you leave everything.