Originally Posted by Nell
I can't disagree with you here, except in one matter. Rather than attributing the delusion in the Local Church of Witness Lee to "they", I believe we can narrow it down.
If I could clarify why I used the word “they”, in the matter of the LC.
I believe that we have been living in the last times, ever since Paul wrote the letter to Timothy, and it’s just getting worse and worse, until full apostasy will take place.
I agree with your verses that you brought up, especially 1 Tim 4:1-2. So when you look at the verses, they show an interesting progression;
1. Depart from faith.
2. Giving heed to seducing spirits.
3. Speaking lies.
4. Having their conscience seared.
I just want to say this, all of those steps are done by a person willingly and with full consent. God doesn’t chain anyone to His ways or a slave master that beats anyone into submission. This is spoken of people who were believers or at least of people who have some basic knowledge of what faith is. They departed from it, after knowing what the truths are.
Also, giving heed is a willing and conscious effort. These spirits cannot and do not have ability to manifest themselves other than through someone who is willing to heed to them and their doctrines, teachings. So “they”, who have departed the faith, and willingly heeding and then speaking lies and their false doctrines and teachings, are people that are under the influence of these spirits.
Seared conscience, is kind of last step. We have seen many posts and testimonies describing that exact state of mind. No remorse, no apologies, not taking any responsibility for all things that brought up to them, covering them up, blaming the messenger for speaking out, and I can go on for a while. Speaking lies and false teachings without any shame or fear also comes to mind.
For anyone who has been around it long enough, they should see or remember two types of people.
1. There are true zealots for this, who will at any cost sacrifice everything and everyone around them on this altar.
2. Then the other group, are the people who are so beat up and confused by them, that even though the red alarms and sirens are going off in every direction, (such as still somewhat functioning conscience), they just can’t put their finger on what’s going on because their mind have been clouded / seduced. It’s like constantly living in a fog. The sun breaks through it for a second, but is quickly swallowed up by this thick seduction. I’ve been there, I know the feeling. I know what it does and how it operates. It’s a miserable existence. It happens by our willingness to depart and participate, and THAT’’S WHY THERE IS SO MUCH PRESSURE ON PEOPLE TO CONFORM TO THEIR TEACHINGS AND DOCTRINES. That’s the requirement of these spirits, and one must heed to them, or allow them to operate within.
Most people that are in the second group, usually were ether born into it with no choice of their own, fooled into it by deceptive Christian vocabulary, or just plainly thought that there is no harm no foul messing around with spiritual world that exist and has its rules and grips. Lack of studying the Word, understanding biblical teachings, and testing everything against it, which is mostly absent from our society today tends to create perfect breeding ground for this seduction.