Originally Posted by Nell
So it would seem. But this is only one of many Lee/Nee "strong" doctrines and/or teachings that have little more than descriptive mention in scripture.
That being the case, why is this place called "the Recovery"? Teaching after teaching of Witness Lee has been debunked or classified as heretical? Perhaps a good topic would be to list what has actually been "recovered". Sometimes it's called "the Lord's Recovery." Really? How does this sect belong to the Lord?
The issue here is way deeper than any teachings or doctrines offered by “recovery”. It’s a different god, jesus and the spirit that’s offered and promoted by the LC. The “triune processed god”, or the “processed Jesus”, or “jesus the spirit now” is not found in biblical teachings, but invented golden calf, named jesus, by the man who didn’t want to worship the Most High and the only God. They invented their own god, after their own imagination, assigned him his “hearts desires” after their own, and started to enjoy its supposed existence. That wasn’t enough to keep it going and have a grip on people, so they just dipped into the spiritual world and attached a spirit to it, which makes it a potent combination that keeps people in bondage and blind, unless God intervenes by His grace and mercy and set one free of this deception.