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Old 06-06-2022, 10:31 PM   #15
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Re: I Tell The Truth!

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
There was a succession. First diverse conferences. Then LifeStudies from ‘74-‘84. Then Crystalization Study. Then WL died. Then HWMR. Gotta keep buying books.

That’s right,
It’s the disease and a mark of every human made system. They always want to sell you something “new and updated”. Mr. Microsoft has made a killing with selling “updates”, rather than fixing the system for 45 years. Guess what, so is the iPhones and all the rest of their systems. Sell, sell, sell! But what’s even more unfortunate, that there are buyers out there who are willing to pay for it.
LC and LSM exist for the same reason that all other business exist, that really have nothing new to offer, other than a different wrap. RK the main editor of all these books look like, and is a “copy and paste expert”. There haven’t been a new thought or actual study of the Bible conducted in this scam during and since both inventors of it died. Guess what, you just keep rewrapping the same garbage into different covers, and offer it as “new leadings of the blenders”. Someone will buy it, that’s what they count on, and they sure have the spirit aiding them in their efforts.
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis
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