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Old 06-05-2022, 03:48 PM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 24
Default Re: I Tell The Truth!

Thank you Trapped, my wife still in LOVE with "Lord's Recovery" so her family too.

They saved all "HWMR" and all "conference materials", because very high ranked person said: "You have to keep reading these materials / messages, which has highest Truth of Godspel and use these as a way to spread Gods Word and bring people to LR." During the time in Anaheim, I observed those very high ranked people within LR, their Bible is very New, look like just bought, then I find out, they only bring it to the meeting for "show", they do not even "read it or open it" but they required everyone to buy one and ONLY buy Recovery version. "Other version of Bible does not have the Truth and detailed footnote as Recovery version. If anyone have a non-Recovery version of Bible, you need burn it or put into trash, because it's trash." This is a direct message to me when i meet one of very high ranked person in LR.
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