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Old 06-05-2022, 10:06 AM   #9
I tell the truth
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Default Re: I Tell The Truth!

Thanks trapped,

Your common sense is very helpful. Ron shared last week in the conference that saints will take and enjoy the nice messages, but when it comes to the cross, flesh, natural man, right and wrong, sense of life and death that saints will reject and not hear it. Because it's not nice. Lee even said Christianity is devilish because they won't preach and accept the cross and therefore they're trapped in not decreasing and God increasing. And, that in the church there is only the cross where you're natural man needs to die and it has to be enjoyable and sweet to you along to God.

I use to accept all this because it sounded good that God wanted to replace all that you we're but then I started thinking.
I accepted it because I believed so many people were the problem in the world and not the expression of God. And that if I changed I could be part of God's move to end the age. Also be a overcomer, escape the 1000 year punishment. But then it really started getting to the extreme and somewhat silly. And almost every message is a warning of what will happen if you leave the way of the recovery or don't mature. Just too much to list.

The coworkers have repeated the story of someone who left the church for over 30 years. Brother Lee saw him in a Chinese restaurant after all those years. Lee concluded that the brother had not matured in life because he still loved Chinese food and was laughing and joking and not somber that he was going to die soon. I don't think God will disqlify him purely based on that.

I wanted to add something that opened my eyes as well. The churches teaches that they're being transformed but are they being controlled by the teachings? A sister wanted to get married to a brother from the FTTA because there is pressure for brothers and sisters to get married by a certain age. The sister said she didn't even know if she liked the brother. But, then they go to a couples house for dinner and then the couple gets feedback. It's also a huge deal and a no go if one side won't take the way of the ministry completely.

Also, this talk of people outside the church wasting their life and saints no making every meeting wasting their life without a good excuse is mind boggling.
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