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Old 06-01-2022, 06:29 PM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1,523
Default Re: I Tell The Truth!

Are you a church kid that is old enough to be able to leave if you want to? Do you want to leave or do you want to stay?

I ask just because when you state that it's "condemnation in order for you to gain God".....I just.....all I can think of is that they are sewing the veil back up that was rent when Jesus died. The Bible says "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free". God sent His Son to die so that the veil would be torn and we would FREELY have access to the holy place, and yet what many people call the "ministry of condemnation" in the local church puts all kinds of crushing and condemnatory barriers on people instead. They're.....working against the death of Christ at this point.

Any church that regularly despises discerning truth from a lie, discerning good from evil, discerning right from wrong is frankly just the scariest place I can think of. And this is a core and repeated doctrine in the Lord's Recovery. One forum member posted a while back that they actually said that "good is worse than evil because good is deceptive". The local church is a place that teaches that EVIL IS BETTER THAN GOOD!!!! *faints*

Your descriptions of their being trapped into "oh no can I even go get a cup of coffee", they are some of the least free Christians I can think of these days. But this is what you get from a place that teaches that "death is behind good", and so even normal non-sinful good things like a cup of coffee all of sudden becomes something you are in fear about. Although the journey after leaving is hard, I'm soooooo glad to be out of such a suffocating place!

I remember when I was younger sitting in the meetings hearing about being an overcomer, they told us "if you think you are overcoming, you probably are not, and if you do not think you are overcoming, you probably are." I remember being so fed up with God (the "God" they presented) thinking "this overcomer business is the biggest thing each of us face, and yet all we have to go by is "your status is probably the opposite of however you feel"??? This is a losing game!" The God they often taught there was a fickle, capricious God just looking to trip you up at any turn.

I hope you are able to get some Christian encouragement from SOME place, wherever you can get it. Thanks again for keeping us updated. Keep it coming whenever you feel like it.

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