Originally Posted by Trapped
Thanks for the insight into how the local church is these days. Gosh, I cannot understand why someone's family would not have joined a church that claims God can't do anything unless you sacrifice spending time with your family the entire Memorial Day weekend to sit in their chairs hearing how incapable God is of doing things!
Each training and conference I go into wanting to gain God. But then almost immediately it turns into condemnation in order for you to gain God. I'm a church kid so I have heard all of it.
Most of the messages were on the tree of life. Whether you are living life instead of right and wrong or good and bad. Whether you are in the light and have peace or if you are in darkness and are dead. And of course if Christ is living and being expressed and magnified or if it's the self, flesh and the old man.
I don't need to go into the details but I don't know how they knit pick and intrude on almost everything in your life. One testimony a brother said I need to ask God for permission if I have life and peace to buy a cup of coffee. I have heard another saint before go to the extreme of getting permission from God to use the bathroom. No joking but seriously.
And also since this thread is on the 1000 years. It is said you get 1000 years if you're not a overcomer and mature. The definition of overcomer changes often. They said a over is the weakest who can't do anything on they own and trusts and depends on God completely for everything.