Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Another verse that was used to promote this false practice is 1st John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." This erroneous teaching is saying that confession = propitiation. But previously in verse 5 it shows the blood is what provides that propitiation: "If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin."
And this passage is talking about being in fellowship. Being in fellowship means being transparent and not hiding our sin against another (as Adam & Eve immediately tried to do). We are to be open about it, but the blood of Christ has already been shed and done it's work in taking care of the propitiation part, therefore we can just confess without fear. However, the RC was all about using fear to control, so they turned this into a system of confession to official Church "priests."
I personally don’t see any problems with nether 1 John 1:9, or 1:7 (I think you quoted verse 7 there).
In 1:9, it’s referred to us coming to the Lord, and asking Him to forgive us and cleanse us with His blood. That’s the only way that we can get cleansed, if we ask for forgiveness. It’s not an automatic process that just happens by you existing or “calling on the name”. Just my opinion, and belief.
In 1:7, the verse is very clear about the steps to even have fellowship. As the first part of that verse states, “But if we should walk in the light as He is in the light,…”, means that even before you can have fellowship with one another, one must be walking in the light. We go to Him for cleansing, and get together for fellowship. He cleanses us with His blood, not we cleanse each other. Having fellowship about our sins, does nothing but brings death and despair. Having fellowship about Him, and what He has done for me, and cleansed me with His precious blood, when I go into His light and walk in His light, then that sweet rejoicing for what He has accomplished and done for us, brings us into the true oneness and fellowship, and not uniformity. Again, my view on these verses.
I know people will twist these verses to imply that confession is to the “church”, or “priest”, or even to each other. I personally don’t and won’t be a participant of those kind of “fellowships”, if you can call them that.