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Old 05-20-2022, 08:15 AM   #23
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 361
Default Re: 1000 Years Discipline

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
No, you are reading it wrong. Paul is addressing believers and warning believers. Together with the warning there is the consequence of not heeding the warning: "will not inherit the kingdom o f God." The phrase, "And such were some of you," does not annul the warning or the consequence.

It makes no sense whatsoever to say that he was warning believers about what could have happened to them in the past. Neither then is Paul saying, "some of you were these things, but go ahead go back, be sexually immoral, be an idolater, continue in will still inherit the kingdom of God." No. Paul is saying, "some of you were these things, so don´t go back, I warn you, you will not inherit the kingdom of God."
Happy to be corrected on this, but..

The section of the chapter being referenced is about believers taking other believers to secular court. Paul then argues that since believers will one day judge the world, they should be able to judge disputes amount themselves. That it would be better for a believer to be defrauded rather then have unbelievers to settle an dispute between believers in Christ. Why? Because unbelievers will not inherit the Kingdom of God, they are known for by the sins they do. Believers, however, have been cleansed from those sins and are now known only as belonging to Christ. While believers may fall into those sins, their identity is in christ.

This is how I view that portion chapter 6. It’s a warning and a stern passage about why we shouldn’t take fellow believers to court and has the rational for that message. I don’t see it as a warning about believers who are saved by Grace, that they will be cast into an out darkness for 1,000 years to be transformed further.
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