Originally Posted by Zezima
You left out verse 11 conveniently “ And such were some of you. But you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in by the spirit of our God“
Once again you’re miss using this verse and taking it out of context. You shouldn’t use a verse to prove a doctrine, but rather the doctrine should come from the verse. Ephesians 5, is speaking to Christian’s already saved, giving them general instructions on holy living. Paul isn’t warning them about some future kingdom that they don’t have inheritance in, but rather the redemptive kingdom that saved believers inherit. The entire book of Ephesians is expounding how we being saved have inheritance of a kingdom and can walk & live daily in the kingdom. Nowhere is Paul threatening believers that they will go to 1,000 years and be cut off. You’re reading an idea onto the text.
you are reading it wrong. Paul is addressing believers and warning believers. Together with the warning there is the consequence of not heeding the warning:
"will not inherit the kingdom o f God." The phrase, "
And such were some of you," does not annul the warning or the consequence.
It makes no sense whatsoever to say that he was warning believers about what could have happened to them in the past. Neither then is Paul saying, "some of you were these things, but go ahead go back, be sexually immoral, be an idolater, continue in adultery...you will still inherit the kingdom of God." No. Paul is saying, "some of you were these things,
so don´t go back, I warn you, you will not inherit the kingdom of God."