Originally Posted by Paul Vusik
That’s why very few get out, and out of those that do, very few that are able to deal with the damages and consequences of being exposed to it.
Are you able to support this statement with facts? Dealing with "damages and consequences" is a matter of a return to faith in the Father who loves us and broods over us. He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. We are the ones who left Him for another (Lee). We first must return to Him as the prodigal son returned to his father's house, and was welcomed with open arms. This was my experience. "Lord, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I repent. Please forgive me. You are my hope and salvation...no one else. ...
I will say that in my own experience, it’s like starting your life all over again. I lost all of my relationships with mostly all of the people I knew. I used to sing in the acappella choir, and knew a lot of people, Christians. They were all cut off immediately upon our arrival to LC.
I really doubt that even a small amount of people who get out, are going to be OK with the process, which can be brutal at times. It’s only by relying on God, and not anything else, that makes it worth while. It’s much more difficult to eat crow, that the easiness and the conveniences of a group think, crowd following mentality, which the LC is all about. Right, wrong, good, evil, it’s all irrelevant, as long as you shut up, line up, don’t ask and don’t tell. It’s a form of oneness, they claim!
Relying on God and nothing else is the essence of the Christian life. Isn't it?
But one should always remember, that there is individual responsibility first, rather than corporate. So if individual is abandoned, the corporate nonsense that’s pedaled by LC is a form of nanny state, disabled people, unable to not only function, but unable to bring anything to the table for others. It’s a perfect picture of our society, and before it got that way, there was LC leading the way!
Rather than discourage people who were trapped in this deception, wouldn't it be more consistent with the Christian walk with God to encourage people with the power of repentance of sins and forgiveness?
Whatever Lee and the LC did, or still do, God is our hope, our strength and our Rock. Our faith in Him is our hope.
As for me, I didn't mentally "figure things out". I turned my heart to the Lord and cried out for help from Him. It wasn't until I trusted Him and repented for trusting Lee instead of Him that the lights began to "come on". I began to "see" slowly but surely. I DID RECOVER.
This is where we start. When things go sideways, go back to the beginning. It may not be easy, but it is our salvation to return to our Father.
Encourage one another with these words!