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Old 05-07-2022, 02:52 AM   #364
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

Originally Posted by Paul Vusik View Post
Yes sir, been there, done that. I hope you understood that it was all sarcasm regarding “Ministry of Truth”. Lol. I seen this movie before.

If we can’t get the truth from man who claim they are “in Christ” or “into Christ”, “the Oracle”, “the only voice speaking for God”, etc, good luck with the satanic minions and demons that currently run this country. I guess there might not be much difference except the “mask” one puts on Sundays.

People in this country are spoiled to no end, thinking that there is no cost to pay for all this privilege that you get to speak freely. When it’s over, it will be like former Soviet Union, where if you say something, your neighbor will give you up, and be proud to do so.

I had some family visiting over from Germany couple weeks ago, and they brought the autobiography of my great grandpa, who lived from 1900-1978. When through WW1 and WW2, Lenin, Stalin, and 25 years in prison for Christ. And while Stalin killed 1.5 million Baptist in USSR, while sending them to Siberia and Kazakhstan to leave them in the open wilderness to die in the middle of the winter at -40C.(no food and no water, no shelter) Nothing. There are some stories that make you think twice about meaning of being a Christian, and not bending over for some things of comfort or even a simple as a daily meal.

I know that I would be considered narrow minded and probably fundamentalist of sorts on this type of forum, but I really do appreciate the ability to share things here. When I came to USA in 1997, not knowing a word of English, and could not even say a simplest of things. I remember my high school teacher who was teaching me, said one time; One of the best things about this country, is that you and I can have a conversation about a subject or issue, especially since you are Christians, we can disagree on it, and shake our hands and see each other tomorrow in the morning and still say “Good morning”. Well, those days are far gone, and it’s not only reflected in a real world out there, but in every walk of life. There are obvious issues that should be fought for at all costs, but the current way of playing victims by all means necessary, is just a sad state of humanity that think of itself that they have “progressed”. Normal human discussion is healthy and necessary, that’s how the truth is found and proclaimed. LC is the perfect example of victimhood and zero discussion. Sorry for the rant.
Thanks for the “rant,” and for sharing your testimony, and for clarifying your use of “sarcasm.” You have experience and perspective sorely sorely needed today.

I too grew very frustrated just trying to get basic honesty from LSM leaders. Even Christian leaders can fall into endless unrighteousness once they sacrifice their integrity for some base gain. When I first met LC brothers and sisters almost 50 years ago, they were solely for Christ, only Christ. They shined with the light of God. Like the USA, they have morphed into something almost unrecognizable. Church history for two millennia shows us there have been too many “Stalins” in the church.

“Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name;
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
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